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1 Translation result for blameworthy in Spanish


blameworthy adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
culpable, reprochable, censurable

Example sentences of
blameworthy adjective

  • Their failure to adequately inform participants of the risks was morally blameworthy.
  • we were all equally blameworthy, whether we had openly approved the free-speech restrictions or simply kept quiet about them

Synonyms of
blameworthy adjective

Detailed synonyms for blameworthy adjective

Blameworthy, blamable, guilty, culpable, at fault, negligent significan merecedor de reproche o castigo.
  • Blameworthy y blamable admiten la cualidad reprochable de la acción o del agente, pero sin hacer indicación alguna sobre el grado de responsabilidad <found the general blameworthy for the failed military operation> <no one is blamable for these kinds of accident>.
    antonyms: blameless
  • Guilty indica responsabilidad o conciencia de un crimen, pecado, o cuando menos, un grave error o fechoría <the defendant was found guilty>.
    antonyms: innocent
  • Culpable es más débil que guilty y connota a menudo la mala conducta, o errores causados por ignorancia, omisión o negligencia <the landlord's culpable neglect of the building>.
  • At fault connota ser merecedor de culpa, pero rara vez para crímenes o pecados serios <couldn't determine who was really at fault>.
  • Negligent indica una falta casual en tomar el cuidado apropiado o normal <she had been a negligent mother>.

Reverse translation for blameworthy

culpable  - guilty 
reprochable  - reprehensible, reproachable 
censurable  - reprehensible, blameworthy